Open 10am - 7pm
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Forecast & Park Hours
Today 48° / 43° 10am - 7pm
Tomorrow 56° / 41° 10 AM - 6 PM
Monday 65° / 44° Closed
Tuesday 58° / 41° Closed
Wednesday 50° / 40° Closed
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Wild Kingdom Train
Wild Kingdom Train

Opened in 1967 as Animaland Train, the Wild Kingdom Train continues the memory of Lagoon being a stop on the old Bamberger Train line. The steam train travels with guests around the lagoon, treating them to spectacular views and glimpses of exotic animals. With animals like Siberian tigers, a golden eagle, zebras, camels, and African lions, the Wild Kingdom Train gives an experience unlike most amusement park train rides.

1 / 10 Butterflies
Family Ride
Historical Ride
12:00 Ride Time