Open 10am - 7pm
Currently at Lagoon
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Forecast & Park Hours
Today 48° / 43° 10am - 7pm
Tomorrow 56° / 42° 10 AM - 6 PM
Monday 65° / 43° Closed
Tuesday 57° / 40° Closed
Wednesday 47° / 40° Closed
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BomBora is a dynamic coaster with numerous state-of-the-art high speed thrilling elements including sudden drops, banked turns, compound spirals, and more. An innovative 16-seat train pairs riders side by side accompanied by rocking music and elegantly lighted theming. The amply padded seat and restraint securely holds riders at the waist to provide exhilarating upper body freedom during the ride. Each seat may accommodate an adult or child rider.

Family Ride
950 Riders/Hour
16 Riders / Train
1,040 ft Length